In the burning lands of rapturous fulfillment and unrequited desire, one false step can lead down the path towards delicious destruction. Impassioned appeals, sinful seductions and fevered longings can often hide degrees of twisted tenderness but don’t be fooled. Not all prisons have bars, silence can be deadly and even the sweetest face conceals monstrous insanity. Tread lightly, choose well or find sexual satisfaction at the dead end of one-way street.
Book One | The Factory
A glittering citadel born from blood money and power tripping provides the perfect stage for its mysterious owner and his young, dazzling wife. Before the final act is called and the curtain falls, they’ll both be tested to the limits of their personal, moral compasses. And neither of theirs point true north.
Book Two | Nevermore
Newlyweds on a romantic, Spanish honeymoon find themselves battling against stereotypes after a short engagement leads to a much longer commitment. In the shadows of infatuation, however, lay the groundwork for a cruel coupling that even death cannot part.
Book Three | The Nomad
In a post-apocalyptic, dystopian future, one young warrior woman travels the world in search of help against The Great Evil. When her travels take her far underground to the lair of the last great Champion, she finds duty mixing with desire and a tender temptation that threatens her mission.
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Torie James Bio and Social Media Links
Born on the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous,Torie is the illegitimate love child of Han Solo and Daenerys Targaryen. Rescued by Gandalf shortly before her home planet was destroyed in the last days of the Clone Wars, she was raised in relative obscurity by her foster parents, Severus Snape and Pippi Longstocking. At the tender age of 113, she inherited the best little whorehouse in Texas and is rumored to be bringing Sexy Back. A self confessed chocoholic, she's been engaged to Willy Wonka despite gossip surrounding a lifelong affair with Bruce Wayne.
And clearly, she practices delusion on a daily basis.
The truth is, I'm just an overgrown kid with a vivid imagination who loves to write and share my crazy with the world. My future plans include, hopefully, buying a lovely Scottish castle and convincing Queen Elizabeth I that I'd make a fab addition to the Royal Family.
Three years ago, I finally got my 'brave' on and submitted a wee story about true love, honor, friendship and the magic within us all. That story was Timeless Night, the first book in a five book series I've named New Camelot. Since then, I've been lucky enough to have published Timeless Desire (Book 2 of New Camelot), Beauty and The Feast (A New Camelot Thanksgiving Novella) Ties That Bind (The Cloie Chronicles I), Fractured Fantasies (Valentine's Venom), Fractured Fantasies (Volume 1) and coming soon, Fractured Fantasies (Volume Two).
I live in Southern California, a stone's throw from Disneyland, with my family and the most ridiculously spoiled pets anyone could imagine. I wake everyday with the determination to make this life as random, quirky and beautiful as it can be.
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